Rights Registration

If you don't have rights, you don't have protection.

Rights registration refers to the business of registering related IP rights such as trademark rights and copyrights in the area. No matter how infringing products and imitations appear, protection cannot even be initiated if the relevant IP rights are not registered.

In addition to protection, IP Space provides professional trademark investigation, trademark registration, copyright registration, domain name registration, and customs registration services. In addition, if additional rights registration is required in the process of protection, analysis opinions are provided to the brand owner to support the establishment of a thicker barrier to rights.

Service Area – China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Vietnam,
Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia


Trademark is the most efficient right to respond to IP infringement.

Trademark registration refers to the business of registering a brand name, major product name, design, etc. as a trademark in the country concerned. Although it varies from industry to industry, trademarks can be said to be the most frequently used right in responding to IP infringement. IP Space has established a team of experts who have conducted trademark investigation, application, registration, and dispute affairs for many years to support effective trademark registration prior to trademark protection by brand owners.

Service Area – China


Copyright is a universal key that can respond to various infringements.

Copyright registration refers to the registration of logos, images, product photos, and patterns as works.
Although copyright does not take effect without registration (similar to birth reporting), it is a very effective strategy to proceed with copyright registration in addition to trademark registration in China, especially in order to respond to related infringement in China. In the case of brands that mainly consider countermeasures against infringement in China, it is essential to register copyright in China, even if copyright is not registered in Korea. IP Space has been conducting copyright registration practice for many years, and copyright registration consulting in the most effective way to respond to rights infringement, and supporting copyright registration work.

Service Area – China, Hong Kong, Taiwan



Customs registration refers to the process of registering IP rights (trademarks, copyrights, etc.) registered in China in the Customs system. When IP rights are registered, legal action can be taken against infringing products, but if they are not registered by Customs, it is not possible to monitor IP infringing products exported to third countries. Therefore, Customs registration must be carried out in addition to IP registration. IP Space monitors the information on the export of IP infringing products to Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, and the Middle East through Customs every year and cooperates in related tasks such as product evaluation. IP Space effectively monitors and responds to the export of IP infringing products from China by brand owners to third countries.