Sample Purchase

IP Space: Strategic SampleProcurement Services

Service Area – China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and Korea

(After the second half of 2024, additional countries such as Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, and India will be added)

IP Space goes beyond simply purchasing samples. We offer strategic sample procurement services that provide you with the insights you need to effectively combat infringement. Sample procurement is the process of acquiring and analyzing suspected infringing products from online and offline distributors. Accurate sampling and product authentication are essential first steps in infringement response. IP Space leverages a network of over 10 product receiving locations across China to procure samples. This strategy takes into account the common practice of infringers shipping authentic products to major cities and counterfeit products to smaller towns. IP Space also provides high-quality sample photos taken with specialized equipment and a professional photography team. This allows you to accurately assess products without needing to physically examine them.

Sample Procurement- Rights protection monitoring.

Strategic sample procurement can strengthen a brand’s intellectual property rights in several ways: Identifying intellectual property infringers, Assessing market conditions, Evaluating partner and Distributor risks, Analyzing counterfeit distribution by platform and region, Developing future IP protection strategies.
Through IP Space’s sample procurement service, you can experience services that you have not experienced before.